How do I install Conversion Tracking?
Brandon avatar
Written by Brandon
Updated over a week ago

Conversion Tracking is an exciting feature that allows us to avoid blocking real, human users that purchased a product on your website.

The conversion script is optional, but we will prevent any IPs from being blocked that came from your Google Ads campaigns and then converted within 30 days of us first detecting that IP (the IP is essentially whitelisted).

To get started, you will need to add a small line of code to your website. When this code loads, it tells our system that a real user has purchased your product and we should not block users from that IP address or device.

Where do I find my Conversion Tracking script?

The Conversion Tracking code can be found inside your Fraud Blocker dashboard:

Here's an example of what this looks like (your code will be slightly different):

Which pages should I add my Conversion Tracking script to?

Our Conversion Tracking script should be added to the "thank you" page of your website. This is the page after someone completes a key conversion such as purchasing your product.


Bots are good at completing basic forms on your website, so we DO NOT recommend adding our conversion script after a user completes a general form on your website, such as after downloading an eBook, requesting a demo or requesting a phone call. To prove the user is human, it's best to ensure they completed a purchase or provided some other complex information such as a credit card.

How do I install my Conversion Tracking script?

Copy the code above and paste the script anywhere in the <body> tag of your “thank you” page.

You can easily use Google Tag Manager (recommended) by adding our script to the "Custom HTML" Tag Configuration and then selecting your "thank you" page in the "Triggering" area.

Or you can add our HTML directly to the body of your webpage, which is often done with widgets in Wordpress or other popular CMS platforms.

Have issues? Contact us.

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